What to Expect if you join us on Sunday

We are excited you are thinking of joining us! We know that the idea of walking into a new building with new people can feel like a lot of "unknowns" to deal with. At Immanuel, we want to do whatever we can to remove barriers to people hearing God's Word and growing in their faith. 

Below is a list of "frequently asked questions," that can help to remove some of those unknowns. If you have other questions, please email Pastor Swanson

Frequently Asked Questions

How Should I Dress?

There is no dress code for worship at Immanuel because God has not laid out a dress code in His Word. While many members choose to “dress up” out of respect for God, many members also dress casually. 

Are Children Welcome?

All are welcome! We love to have children worship with us, and we encourage young children to worship with their parents because God’s Word is intended for them as well as adults. If your young one should become too restless during worship, our service is streamed with video and audio in both the fellowship hall and the narthex. A nursery is also available in the back of the sanctuary.

What Happens During the Services?

Our worship follow an order of service that has grown out of historic practices of the Christian church. There is both a printed bulletin and video screen that help all to participate as they feel comfortable. 

During worship, we confess our sins to God, and then we receive forgiveness because of Jesus Christ’s death and resurrection through his called messenger, the Pastor. We hear readings from both the Old and New Testaments. We sing our praises to God with hymns and psalms which match up with the theme found in the readings from God's Word. Our pastor provides guidance and encouragement for Christian faith and life based on one of our Bible readings, reminding us of our sinfulness but also of our forgiveness in Christ. We respond to God’s amazing gift of forgiveness and salvation by offering our thanks and praise and by praying to God. We end the service and begin our week with God’s promise to bless and keep us.

Do I Have to Donate Money?

No. God's gifts of life, salvation, and forgiveness are free in Jesus. Please do not feel as though you are expected to give. Though it is common for our members to cheerfully bring offerings to God out of thanks for his grace, many visitors choose to learn more about Immanuel before bringing offerings.

Does Immanuel Offer Baptism and The Lord's Supper?

Immanuel is a sacramental church and offers both Baptism and the Lord’s Supper. Communion is celebrated during services on the first and third Sundays of each month.

On the basis of Scripture, Immanuel is convinced that Jesus' true body and blood are present in the Lord's Supper and that receiving the sacrament together is a public statement of unity in our beliefs and practices. Since we do not want to put our guests in the uncomfortable position of stating their agreement with us before we have had a chance to explain it to them, we kindly ask that only those who have publicly confessed that unity would come forward to receive the Lord’s Supper. Please speak with Pastor Swanson if you have any questions!

What Happens after worship?

After worship, we have fellowship time, where we gather together for a Bible study while enjoying each others company, along with refreshments.

Sunday Mornings

Weekly Worship

Sunday, 9:30 AM

The Lord's Supper is celebrated on the 1st and 3rd Sundays of the month

Fellowship Hour

Sunday, 10:45 AM

Refreshments and Bible Study

Growing Together

Women's Bible Study (October - May)

1st & 3rd Thursday of the Month, 7:00 p.m.

At Immanuel

Men's Bible Study (Year Round)

1st & 3rd Saturday of the Month, 8:00 a.m.

At Immanuel